Coping with May Madness: Dance Parent Edition

Coping with May Madness: Dance Parent Edition

 May is a stressful time of year. Every school, activity, and sport ramps up to finish the year strong.  But… IT ALL HAPPENS AT THE EXACT SAME TIME!  We are a part of this as we put forth a massive recital and task you with thinking about Fall. We know how you feel. Fall? I can barely remember what I am doing this afternoon! 

 We want you to know that we are here with you and wanted to offer some tips to navigate this time of year and take some stress out of the process!

 Take a pause:  In the chaos it is so easy to run in circles.  We encourage you to take a moment to get a cup of coffee and relax. This year we focused on kindness at the studio.   Personally, I like to practice what I preach to the students, and express gratitude. Whenever I feel lost, appreciation always helps me get centered.  Taking a break from mindless scrolling, (guilty!) and doing something positive always helps me find calm amongst the storm.

 Get organized:  I don’t know if it is the fact that I recently discovered Marie Kondo, but I find that taking a moment to organize my dates and responsibilities, even if it means getting up 30 minutes early, makes my life easier.  I suggest sitting with your coffee (second cup) look at the newsletter and map out what your child needs for the show and to wrap up our year together.  If this is your first recital with us, it may feel overwhelming, but hopefully our helpful videos and grids, and personalized emails will help you navigate the process.  

 Looking ahead:  It may feel overwhelming to look at Fall right now, but with the popularity of our program, our classes will fill long before we get to our September 3rd start date. We are taking the work out of the process and asking you to take 5 minutes at your child’s photo rehearsal, to fill out a Commitment Card for next year. The new schedule will be online May 9th, take a moment to select your classes and we will do the work for you.  This will also secure your discounted registration and for dancers that are seeking advancement, take advantage of the earl bird rate or our Pre-Placement Session.  This small step will save big heartache when your dancer cannot get into their favorite class. 

 Ask for help: If you are feeling lost, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We want this to be a positive experience for your dancer and provide you with the best service possible. 

 Than you again for sharing your dancer with us this season! We cannot wait to do it again next year!